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What's Happening

This Week at FBC Brandon

Join with me as we pray to our Heavenly Father to "Let the Celebration continue!" In the past one hundred years God has used His children at FBC Brandon to make a Kingdom difference in this community. We are celebrating and giving thanks this weekend for the countless decisions made during our first one hundred years by individuals to believe, receive and follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. As we enter into the next century of service for our Lord let us have the heart, mind and vision of our Lord Jesus as he declared in John 4:35, "Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest." So let us pray together as a church family that we will remain obedient and faithful to the high calling of our Lord Jesus Christ for the next one hundred years (or until the day of His return).

Please make plans to join us tomorrow and Sunday for our centennial celebration.

The schedule is listed below:

Saturday, October 17 | 4:30-7 PM

Centennial BBQ:

A delicious BBQ dinner will be served on the grounds. Tickets are $5 for the adult meal or $3 for the kid's meal ($20 family maximum). Tickets are available in the Church Office and Library- get yours today! Bring your own chairs or blankets for seating. Fun includes family games, live music, and time capsule reveal!

Entertainment Schedule:

4:30 PM The Band Justus

Check out The Band Justus HERE

5:20 PM FBC Student Band

5:40 PM First Voice Quartet

6:00 PM Time Capsule Reveal

6:15 PM The Band Justus

Sunday, October 18 | 10:00 AM

ONE Worship Service:

One exciting, combined worship service will be held at 10 AM in the Sanctuary with guest speaker, Dr. Tommy Green. The Dining Hall will be open at 9:30 AM for light refreshments and fellowship. Following worship we will unveil the new Centennial Plaza and take an aerial FBC family photo. Childcare will be available. This is a morning you won't want to miss!

Life Groups and Evening Worship are dismissed this day.

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