This Week at FBC Brandon
Thank You! What an amazing Centennial Celebration we experienced as a church family this past Saturday and Sunday. First and foremost we give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His grace, mercy, and salvation that He bestows to His children. His call and mission for the members of FBC Brandon is the reason for our celebration and the 100 years of ministry. We are thankful for the call and the mission field He has entrusted our church with!
I also want to thank our church family for your strong support of the Centennial Celebration through your participation and presence. Our Saturday centennial picnic far exceeded what we had hoped for with well over a thousand individuals enjoying the food, music, and fellowship. I believe Saturday set the tone for the amazing day of worship and fellowship we experienced on Sunday. Thank you for being involved in your church!
A special word of thanks must be given to our countless volunteers that faithfully served in so many areas. I could write a very lengthy list of names of church members who donated their time and talents to help make these events successful. However, I know that the mentioning of their names is not something they desire for their service was out of love and not for recognition. Therefore let me extend thanks to our Men's Ministry, Events Decorating committee, Music Ministry, AV Team, Security Team, The Foundation, and the Building & Grounds Team.
Let me close this constant contact of thanksgiving by expressing to the Support Staff and Ministerial Staff at FBC Brandon a word of thanks. The months, weeks, days, and hours each of you invested in preparing and carrying out the Centennial Celebration was a blessing to our Lord and church family. Thank you for your faithful and outstanding service. It is a joy and privilege to serve our Lord Jesus with each you!